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Global Entry Appointment Checker

Anyone familiar with the Global Entry program in the USA knows that it is not easy to get an interview appointment. The appointments are booked up within a very short time and you spend ages trying to find a slot on the Trusted Traveler Program page.

There are some services like appointmentscanner.com or geappointments.com, but they cost quite a lot for just sending a SMS/eMail.

I built a little logic app that checks for available slots for defined locations and sends them out by email. You can deploy / download it here: github.com/TobiKr/GlobalEntryAppointmentChecker

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Tobi arbeitet seit ca. 15 Jahren schwerpunktmäßig mit Microsoft-Produkten. Nachdem er sein Cloud Hosting-Unternehmen in 2015 erfolgreich veräußerte, unterstützt er heute mittelständische und große Unternehmen bei Cloud Security und Automatisierungs-Fragen.
